The innargual festival was a phenomenon because nobody, including the Walker, knew how big it would become. 10,000+ attendees showed up, all seated on an adjacent hill to watch a competition of cat videos from thousands that were curated worldwide. The festival made national news.
The next year was held at the Minnesota State Fair. Grumpy cat even made an appearance.
This year the festival returned to the Walker and as in the first year about 10,000 people attended donning cat regalia.
Here are a few images I took.

2 thoughts on “International Internet Cat Video Festival”
Cat people are some of the best people I know (right after dog people)!
This looks fun. I talked about crashing with my German pinscher pup. He’s a bit big to dress up as a cat though.
Not to exclude the dog people but cats have a unique history with the internet. Thank the Japanese for that.