Dan and Lucas, a Portrait of Two Good Friends

I met Dan at Tea and Stories which is hosted by Hope Community here in Minneapolis. He is one of a diverse group of people who attend weekly on Thursday afternoon. Dan has had a rough life which he is very open about and willing to share with anyone who is interested. His dog Lucas is central in his life. Lucas may be the first being in his life for a long time that he feels the need to give care. Lucas is like another person to him, as important as a child or sibling.
Pet ownership during a time of healing or restoration of one’s life is a powerful thing to witness. People who otherwise may be difficult to handle or lack social cues will exhibit a part of their humanity that was hidden for most of their lives.
Dan asked me to do a formal portrait of Lucas and I was honored to give that to him. But I thought the better opportunity was to do a portrait of these two good friends.